Snippets of Play – Scooping

We often do elaborate, new and ‘exciting’ activities with the big kids, and Noah (who is coming up to three years old!) happily tags along and joins in. Sometimes I set up something ‘fancy’ just for him, but mostly his play is made up of simple little moments, ‘snippets of play’.

Just because these activities are not complex doesn’t mean they are not worthwhile. Often these moments are packed with joy and learning, and just because they may not be new to me, doesn’t mean they are not new and exciting for my toddler.

One of the ‘snippets of play’ from this week was a simple scooping activity.


It’s very handy to have a grandfather who makes nice wooden bowls and scoops and when Noah set up the three bowls on the table all I had to do was add something to scoop – acorns and glass pebbles.



What have your ‘snippets of play’ included this week?

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