Stuffed Stuffness.
There are things on my mind…
1. It is not a good idea to let me cook with brand new, super sharp knives.
2. Head lice are tenacious, freaky looking little buggers, but all three of my kids were surprisingly patient and lovely while we killed em and combed them out.
3. A trip to the library is lovely…. until the Small Boy starts saying ‘I’m thirsty’ over and over and over and over again.
4. The bread box is a perfectly reasonable place to put your mobile phone.
5. Tweeting for help when you can’t remember that you’ve put your mobile phone in the bread box is a very efficient way to find it. (thanks Leah)
6. It would probably be a good idea if I wrote down my own mobile phone number somewhere safe…. You know, for the next time I put it somewhere really really sensible, like the bread box.
7. Goodbye Christmas and New Years… hello hot cross buns!!!!!
I think all of things are reasonable thoughts.
Except for the hot cross buns. Ugh! Easter already!
Yep number 2, doing that as we speak!!!
I am always losing my mobile phone …have to keep ringing it and get boys to find it lol because I can’t hear where it is ringing from.
I am buying HCB till at least the week before Easter as a protest…but I’ll eat them should anyone make them for me.
…I just missed editing by 1 sec started counting dwon at 19secs .
I meant to say I am NOT buying HCB till at least the week before Easter …ok slinking off now.