The Finger…

The Evil Finger of Shame has made a big resurgence in this house over the past week or two. I thought we’d pretty much taken the sting out of it by making it into a bit of a joke… at one stage it only came out accompanied by a big grin and a giggle which made it much more palatable, but not any more. Now it is back with a vengeance and lots of angst as well.

The other week at the pool Izzy stood at the the top of the pool steps and made a very dramatic EFOS (Evil Finger of Shame) in my direction while yelling ‘no YOU get out’. Do you think perhaps she wasn’t keen to get out of the pool?? She’s been going off ever since.

Zoe’s been following suit but Izzy is queen of the EFoS and the other day at the park with some of the playgroupers she even gave me a new version of the EFOS. After yelling and pouting at me (once again because she didn’t want to go home) she walk off and gave me just a little EFOS point over her should as she walked away. Enough so that we both knew she was mad, but it was as if she’d decided she didn’t need to waste a full blown EFOS when just a small finger point would do.

They’ve even been doing it to each other, which is a new thing.

I still can’t help but giggle a lot of the time…. though I have to admit I have been over the narky outbursts on a few occasions and been VERY tempted to do it back. Perhaps we’ve just had a week of being either really happy and having fun or super narky and mad… seems like we are missing the in between ‘just happy to be’ bits so maybe I need to work on that a little.

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  1. You had me worried for a minute there with that title! I thought they were doing THE finger, you know the one…

    Caleb does the EFOS too, but usually to the dog, and guess who he is impersonating? *embarassed grin*