The Last Week

christmas 2010
Despite the nasty bug that hit our girls the week before Christmas, we did manage some small celebrations at home, even if Zoe’s were still confined to the couch.

Thankfully everyone is healthy again, and we’ve been spending days at home or catching up with friends in this last week of the year.

We’ve been…

Doing some painting.

Discovering a new obsession with little lego.

Growing strange creatures on the kitchen windowsill.

Quatro eating
Trying new food… well at least the bowl the food came in.

muski necklace
Making Stuff

Being Silly together

new years 2010
And loving each other…. for at least thirty seconds while I took this photo!

It will be quiet around here at the blog for at least another week while we hang out and enjoy the holidays. I’ll be back to normal blogging soon, and with luck next year will be even bigger and better than this year! In the mean time, don’t forget to enter to win a family pass to see Tangled – entries close on January 6th!

Thank you to everyone who has been reading this crazy little blog, and especially to those who have taken the time to comment, tweet, email or connect this year.
Happy New Year from The Picklebums.

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    1. So glad everyone is well again! Loving these pics. You know Kate, you should update the “What are Picklebums?” with that absolutely gorgeous pic of your four! I LOVE IT!!! And so colourful too!

    2. Looks like everyone’s busy having fun. Glad to hear your kids are getting better, nothing worse than being sick in hols, is there? Happy New Year!

    3. What great shots. Can’t believe your daughter spent Christmas day on the couch, poor darling.

      What on earth are you growing on the window sill? I shall have to read over some posts I missed on hols and find out… I hope!! x