Things I Know…

It’s been a crazy day… a crazy week… no time to think of a wonderful insightful post tonight, so you’ll have to settle for more ‘Things I know’ ala Yay for Home

I know…

That shopping with three small children is possible, a little frustrating at times, but worth the effort when you come home with bargains for all.

That it is actually possible to pick a nice new Dr from a web site photo.

That little things make me happy.

That five year old girls giggle… A LOT!

That songs from the Barbie Diamond Castle soundtrack get in your head and never ever leave.

That as much as I hate the cold, a little rain in the tanks is a HUGE relief

There are generous people out there.

That letting go of an idea and a commitment is not easy but something that needs to be done.

That June has entirely too many birthdays in it for my liking.

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    1. *snort*
      OK darling… go stick your head in the the chest freezer for 15 minutes and ponder the reality that it gets COLDER in Canada (Minus 40 anyone?) and stop talking about the ‘cold’ back home! You are KILLING me here… I can barely wheeze a breath here for laughing so hard!!

      Shopping with three children? I cannot imagine!

    2. Well I’m hearing ya about the Barbie Diamond castle gig. With two daughters here, we sing lots of Barbie. My favourite happens to be 12 Dancing Princesses. The songs are great from that one too. Farmerswife, get a life.