Things I want to do….

Despite the dismal rain and cold weather we’ve had this past week or two it is indeed summer here. Summer and the beginning of six weeks holidays.

I have this idea that we’ll fill the next six weeks and beyond with all kinds of glorious things. From big outings to simply enjoying pottering around at home in the warm weather. Oh yes, I have plans for summer…. but then I always have plans, I just don’t actually see them through very often.

Here are some of the things I want to do this summer…

– Take another trip to Healsville Sanctuary (Australian Animal Zoo) before our zoo pass runs out
– Pick Berries (I say this every year but we never get our acts together at the right time and I am pretty sure this year will be no different)
– make a scarecrow
– have a sewing day with friends
– have friends up for BBQs and not care about the state of our house or yard
– do a paddock photo shoot with a photographer friend
– potter in the garden, plant for autumn and put in more herbs
– organise a produce swap with ABers
– take at least one photo every day (now I know I won’t do this but maybe if I try I will take one every few days at least)
– make mud pies
– draw and paint (and I am not just talking about the kids)
– go to the park
– go to the Daylesford markets and the produce swap day over there.
– go for a drive and a picnic with the whole family
– go to the beach and the pool

I also wouldn’t mind just hanging around doing nothing for the whole of summer…. hmmm… see why I need 2009 to be The Year of Balance??

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    1. Oooh, all those things sound so much fun! I am inspired to write my own list! (I love lists!).

      I think the idea of an AB produce swap is FAB! I don’t actually grow any produce though :( but I thought maybe I could bake some cookies or something LOL??

      And I will *def* be in a sewing day – I loved the last one we did at my house (can’t remember if you were there? – I don’t think so….). I need heaps of help in the sewing department!

    2. Oooh, I can nick some peas from the vine that the neighbours have growing over our fence for the produce swap, pmal!

      Great list, love the “build a scarecrow”!!! I’ve always wanted to do this, I think I would be really good at it, LOL (or maybe not, but it sounds like fun)… You’ll def have to document that project!