This week’s ‘Things I Know’ post is written by the Picklebums themselves, because, apparently they know lots of things…
Izzy knows… “Moshi Monsters are cute”. (Moshi Monsters are plastic toys with their own website – which I am not linking to because I do not wish Moshi Monsters on any other parent)
Zoe knows… “Fairies are real.”
Morgan knows… “Poop comes out of your bum”
Izzy knows… “It’s good to have friends”
Zoe knows… “Sometimes having brothers and sister isn’t good but mostly it is”
Morgan knows… “I don’t know what I know”.
Noey knows… that his name is Noey-nos.
What do your kids know? Play along with Yay For Home’s Things I Know Link up!
katesaysstuff says
Awwww cute!
Except for the poo.
Jennifer @ The Toy Box Years says
Too cute!!!
Kirsty@MyHomeTruths says
From the mouths of babes – I love it! You know what my kids told me today – who they are going to marry when they grow up – nice to know they both believe in forward planning!
katef says
he he he.. for a long time my twin girls were going to marry each other. Then they decided they might marry their brother (both of them!).. it always made me smile!
Deb Wild Hope says
I think there should be a whole new link up for the things kids know! I thought the best line was “Poop comes out of your bum” – nice one!
katef says
it’s a profound thought for an almost four year old! LOL
Mandy Ferry says
I think with that sort of knowledge Morgan should become a Dr.
katef says
Actually, he wants to be a chef… which is perhaps a tad worrying given the things he knows… LOL
Bron66 says
Cute! I love what kids come up with. It’s prompted me to ask the same question. Miss 6 says she knows the grass is soft. Mr 4 says he knows how to do backward somersaults.
katef says
backwards somersaults… wow… that is impressive!
Shae says
I know your kids are ace :)
Annie says
Good and funny.
nellbe says
Well thank goodness Morgan told us all about the poop! Fairies are indeed real and am resisting looking up Moshi Monsters…
Megan at Writing Out Loud says
Love this – “Sometimes having brothers and sister isn’t good but mostly it is” >> So true!!!
Sue Denyhm says
Gorgeous post.