This Week…

This week I’ve been waiting, not so patiently, for the weather to improve.

While I waited I did some projects with the kids, played wii dance with abandon, and pondered whether it was still too cold to plant out my seedlings that have gone nuts on the window sill.

While I waited, and pondered, there were gale force winds and another 28mms of rain, so even if it was warm enough for the seedlings (which is debatable since we had two nights less than 5 degrees), it is yet again too wet to get the tractor into the garden to turn the soil ready for planting. So the feral seedlings will just have to stay on my window sill for a little longer and join me in trying to find a balance between loving the wonderful rain that fills our tanks so we have water to drink and wash in, and the horrible rain that makes everything muddy and slippery.

Finally, yesterday, the sun came out… so we left town.

This week - a quick round up of our week with some cool links to round it out!

This week - a quick round up of our week with some cool links to round it out!

This week - a quick round up of our week with some cool links to round it out!

A picnic at the beach and some rock pooling was just what we needed before we launch into the craziness of the fourth term.

Are you ready to face the downhill slide to the Christmas and the end of the year? Or are you sticking your head in the sand for a little longer?

I’m definitely sticking my head in the sand… and here are some things I found while doing just that:

Cup Sphere – I’m going to make one of these… one day.
Mobile Mud Patch – now this is clever!
Make an Owl Mask – I know a certain someone who would love to make this.
Jam Filled Pull Apart Bread – ‘jam filled’ people!!!
I’ll Be Yours Printable – Oh I love this!

What have you been up to this week?


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    1. Thanks for the Mud-Pit mention, Kate! Your beach photos are just gorgeous! I’m so envious of you with your warm weather approaching, as we slip into fall here.

      1. If it makes you feel better it is not that warm here yet… and the rain…. oh so much rain and more forecast!

      1. We went down to Lorne… there are some good rock shelves on the little beach out the other side of Lorne, turn in just past the pier, but make sure you check what time low tide is or you’ll be disappointed!

    2. I can feel our busy couple of months approaching already and so I’ve been trying to get organised for the many birthdays and weddings we have coming up. Oh and there is also Christmas! Eek! Lovely to get away when you can. :)

    3. glad the weather has improved. Up here in sunny QLD we have been enjoying beautiful weather and have ventured out to the beach three times this last week – its been awesome!!!

    4. If it makes you feel any better the vegie seedlings I just planted didn’t make it due to the awful hot winds and high temps…an no rain lol!
      Your pics are always so gorgeous, love the adventures one can have for free at rock pools!
      Definitely sticking my head in the sand about Christmas, got to get through my teens end of schooling formal and my Birthday yet….both of which are making me feel very old!