Tomorrow They are Six.


Tomorrow they are six.

It’s easy to remember exactly where I was this time six years ago…

Twenty-nine weeks pregnant, sitting in hospital waiting for the second round of ouchy, stingy, steroid shots.

I still remember the voice on the phone early that morning – “There are changes in Twin One’s brain, come in now, the babies will be born tomorrow”.

But this tomorrow they will turn six. They beat the odds of TTTS and they’ll be six.

Today they are five, tomorrow they are six, and I still remember.

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    1. What a journey you have all taken! That your beautiful girls survived when the odds were against them must make each birthday extra special.

      And six, SIX, oh my, can you believe you will be mother to six year olds!??!

      I will be there behind you in a few months!

    2. Happy birthday Zoe
      Happy birthday Izzy , I hope they have a fabulous day.
      Happy birthing day Kate.

      Thank goodness they beat TTTS and being so premmie.An amazing journey.

    3. Did you see Saving babies series ?…I met the mum who shared her story on TTTS but sadly only one little girl made it , now almost 3.
      She goes to our playgroup and she told me her story Tuesday.I thought of you of your precious girls.

    4. Happy belated birthday to your beautiful girls :) And congratulations to you Kate, for surviving 6 crazy years! I hope they continue to bring you many more years of happy craziness :)