What day is it again?

Yesterday was Friday, you know, the day when I usually post what I am grateful for, but I didn’t yesterday. Instead I blogged about some other random stuff. It’s not that I had nothing to be grateful for, it’s just that I had no idea that it was Friday until I woke up this morning to discover there was no ABC kids so it must be Saturday. Bugger.

Now really I am not as ditzy as this makes me sound. Really… I’m not!

I simply don’t have anything regular that happens that makes me need to know what day of the week it is. The Baldy Boy works a rotating shift, two days, two nights then four days off… so an eight day cycle. Our ‘weekends’ don’t coincide with everyone else’s weekends, each week his ‘working week’ starts a day later than the week before and so the cycle continues. I don’t have that reference of ‘oh this is Baldy Boy’s last working day so it must be Friday’.

Nor do I have any other ‘regular’ weekly commitments any more. We used to do play group on Tuesdays but that has fallen by the wayside as everyone’s children grow up and get busier. We also used to do Library story time on Thursdays but we haven’t been to the library since it claimed three of Zoe’s front teeth (Libraries are such dangerous places you know!).

So we go with our own rhythm, dance to our beat you might say. It’s great. Especially now that the weather is warm and we can plan to do lots of things when it suits us. We can easily avoid going places like the zoo or the shopping centre on weekends when it is busy. It does mean I am a tad vague about what day of the week it is and I sometimes forget we have made plans until the last minute but in general it is lovely. laid back and relaxed.

All that is about to change thought. Next year the twinadoes will go to kinder three half days a week. Not only will I have to know what day of the week it is but I will have to all all three kids and myself dressed and out of the house by 8:15am two mornings a week! Life will never be the same again, but at least I am more likely to remember to blog ‘Grateful Friday’.

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  1. The kinder years are good. Not only for the kids but for mums too. It is a great way of meeting people and socializing :-)My daughter started kinder the week after I moved from Sydney to Melbourne and it was great timing for me, not knowing anyone down here. Having two less toddlers around will mean you have more time to get things done too.
    Some compensation for having to get organized and out early in the morning :-)