Muski likes to play the game “Who do you love?”.
We ask him who someone loves and he tells us…
“Who does Uncle Timmy love?”
“Who does Aunty Sarah love?”
Man Candy!
“Who does Bobo (grandfather) love?”
Then Izzy pipes up with a mischievous grin on her face and says…
“No… Bobo loves rugby!”
tiff says
LOL, too cute and definitely wise.
Kylie says
What a gorgeous photo .. you can just see she is thinking, plotting, scheming … whatever it is that 5 year olds do! (hehe and I love the grot under the chipped pink nail polish ..)
Bec says
lol very cute, love the photo. We ask Erin who she loves and she says she loves locoloc (chocolate).
Man Candy says
So glad muski is getting the “who does Uncle Timmy love” question right
So what does he say if you ask him who Man Candy loves? While Aunty Sawah would be the hoped for answer, I suspect it would be more amusing.
Rugby would be a very good answer :-)
I am impressed that, growing up in your house, that Izzy even knows sport exists
Mistress B says
Little girls always know the way to their poppy’s hearts……. lol