Fun Free Printable Writing Prompts for Kids

I have a seven year old who loves to read. He also love to draw. He reads and draws, and draws and reads, constantly. He also loves making up stories and creating imaginary animals and he has all kinds of crazy cool ideas… but he doesn’t like to write.

“It’s boring.”
“It’s too hard.”
“It’s not fun.”

He doesn’t find the physical act of writing all that easy, so he avoids it, even though with a bit of practice and some confidence I know he’d be busy writing and illustrating all kinds of fun stories.

To encourage him to write, just a little bit each day, I created some ‘totally un-boring, seriously cool, free printable, writing prompts for kids’ and set him a little challenge to complete one a day for a week.

Totally un-boring, seriously cool, free printable writing prompts for kids!  Get your kids writing!

These writing prompts are designed to be short, fairly easy, and fun.

Some of them incorporate drawing as I know that is a great way to hook my reluctant writer.

Some of them only require short responses, or lists of words, so he isn’t worrying too much about sentence stricture or punctuation, but some encourage longer writing with more creative, story like, responses.

Totally un-boring, seriously cool, free printable writing prompts for kids!  Get your kids writing!

I made these with kids in grades 1-3 (ages 6-8) in mind but my older kids had fun with them too, they just wanted more paper so they could write a longer response!

Totally un-boring, seriously cool, free printable writing prompts for kids!  Get your kids writing!

You can download the ‘totally un-boring, seriously cool, writing prompts’ here.
There are seven writing prompts in this set, one for each day of the week.
They come as an A4 pdf document that you can print in colour or black and white.
If you are printing on US ‘letter’ sized paper make sure to choose ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer menu.

Totally un-boring, seriously cool, free printable writing prompts for kids!  Get your kids writing!

We’d love to see the fabulous ways your kids use these writing prompts. Feel free to share a photo on my facebook page, or tag me @picklebums on intagram or @katepickle twitter.

Do you have a reluctant writer? How do you encourage them?


If your kids need a little motivation to get writing, or perhaps they love writing and can’t get enough of it, try these free printables…

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    1. these are fabulous! I have a 7 year old reluctant reader and writer, but these printable a will make it more interesting for him. Thank you!

    2. Thank you for sharing! I will use these with my two Polish EAL students (UK Year 6 age) to support their written English in a fun and engaging way – brilliant :-)

    3. I love this idea, but I can’t print it :( I don’t have my own printer because I don’t need to print often. I send everything to Staples, but when I upload the file to their website it gives me an error because it’s password protected.

      1. I’m sorry you are having problems Lauren.
        The pdf file is password protected against any changes but it is not password protected to print. Unless your printer is trying to change the file they should be able to print it without any problems. I would contact them and ask for some more information.

    4. Thank you so much for your generous sharing. I’ll be putting these into my relief teacher kit ready for when I get back to work – struggling with asthma right now!

    5. I want to thank you. I teach first and second grade and this year has been really tough. I am using this for our remote week over zoom. It is wonderful! Today we wrote the list of ten things we love and I had them write why. Then they took photos of two of the things and shared their screen with the class and explained what and why. It gave our morning structure, writing practice and we found many connections. So thank you very much from this tired teacher.

    6. My son really enjoyed your week’s worth of ‘totally un-boring writing prompts’. I haven’t found anything else he’s enjoyed as much with writing. Every now and then I check your page for any other similar writing packs! The disgusting dinner was a huge hit! THANK YOU!