Easy Zucchini Fritters

These zucchini fritters are easy to make and are a great kid-friendly vegetarian dinner option.

They are perfect as a side dish, or just eat a stack on their own for a delicious meat-less meal.

zucchini and potato fritters

Some people are doing the ‘photo a day’ thing (where you blog a photo every day of the year) but in our house it is ‘zucchini a day’ where the challenge is to eat a zucchini every day until the end of the season!

We picked three remaining monsters today, and there is still heaps more to come! Does anyone want a zucchini?

So far we have grilled them and roasted them; with and without a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese. We’ve put then in bolognaise sauce, put them in a cake, and in muffins. I’ve added them to stir fry and to rissoles. Tonight we had veggie burgers with, you guessed it, zucchini in them. Lucky for me that everyone in my family likes zucchinis!

My favourite way to have them at the moment is in zucchini fritters.

zucchini and potato fritters

Zucchini a Day - Zucchini Fritter Recipe

Yield: serves 6
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes


  • 1 zucchini
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • salt and pepper and herbs to taste


  1. Vary the amounts listed above depending on how many you want to make. If you add lots of potatoes to make a huge batch just add and extra egg and a sprinkle more of flour to make sure everything sticks together.
  2. Grate the potato, carrot and zucchini (or any other grate-able veggie you like).
  3. If you use a food processor for your grating like me then wack an onion in as well, if not you need to dice your onion really finely.
  4. In a large bowl, add the grated veggies, eggs and flour and mix well.
  5. Season with salt and pepper to taste and add a bunch of chopped herbs - we like dill and chives.
  6. You are looking for something like pancake mix, add more flour or egg till it looks about right.
  7. Heat up a smidge of oil in your fry pan and then drop spoonfuls of the mix in and fry them just like little pancakes, until they are brown and crispy on both sides.


Zucchini fritters are super simple to make and go well with boring meals like sausages, and as a bonus, the left overs taste really good the next day.

So how else can I cook zucchinis?

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    1. ooh – yummo Kate – I am going to do that! We were given a couple of zuc’s today! I’d love some of ours – but I don’t think Aus Post will deliver!

    2. If I could get the blasted things to grow I would join you in the Zucchini a day challenge heh. Soon, real soon now I will conquer my nemesis.

    3. Zucchini slice is awesome … like quiche but so yummy.I grew Zucs once but my DH does not like them so much.
      They are on my list of great 2008 things to grow them.
      I love Zucchinis .

    4. Hi! We are big fans of zucchini here, too, and I got *another* way to cook it from MIL. Dice an onion and a clove of garlic (and I think she put a leek in, but forgot to mention it?) and fry in a little olive oil. Add some diced tomatoes, fresh or a little bit of tinned, and simmer a few minutes until it’s all mixed together, then add the zucchini which she quartered and cut in half. Oh, and she chucked in a handful or flat leaf parsley. Now, I think you can have it on top of rice, but we had it cold on top of rye bread. Not sure if it’s kid friendly, as Matty only wanted mashed potatoes last night. Mmmmm zucchini! xx

    5. Darn – just did a search of my posts because I was sure I had put up my awesome zucchini slice recipe before – well, I have mentioned zucchini 5 times, but never posted it.

      So I was going to copy it from my recipe archive here for you – and have found I haven’t even typed it up – aaargh!!! Its an awesome CWA recipe.

      From memory:

      4-5 zucchinis, grated
      1 onion, grated
      1/2 cup cheese, grated
      1 cup SR flour
      2 chopped bacon rashers (which can be omitted if vego)
      salt & pepper

      Mix all together

      Beat 4-5 eggs with 1/2 cup olive oil and add to above mixture.

      Pour in greased baking dish and bake 40-50 minutes until its wonderful.

    6. Instead of the couple of teaspoons of flour, we use 1/2 cup of stuffing mix – has all the herbs and flavour in it so no need to add anything else.

    7. LOL Dad used to grow zucchinis when we were kids, and my all time favourite things to eat were the flowers. Seriously! He used to pick the largest flowes, batter them (just plain, boring batter) and fry them in a little bit of oil. Nice with a hint of salt on top as well.

    8. I LOVE zucchini…although I love it most fried in beer batter :D They’re great steamed too with a little spice thrown in.