Pay It Forward
So here I was reading some new bloggy goodness the other day, over at A Roaming Aussie Mum and the first post I read was about this blogging ‘pay it forward’ idea. Roaming Aussie Mum had won her PIF from Lightening and guess what, I won mine from her!
So here I am thinking about random acts of kindness (known as RAKs) and Pay it Forwards (know as PIFs) and what I might do to share the love… Now I could promise to make something for my PIF winners, but then I am not sure what I could make that anyone would like? I could promise to buy a gift? Though I don’t think PIFing should be about money somehow. I like the idea of sharing the linky love and blogging about the blogs of those who win but I’d like to do something more as well…
So how about this.
Leave me a comment on this post suggesting some random act of kindness I might be able to bestow on a stranger in the next week or so. It doesn’t have to be some ‘grand gesture’ the ideas is, it is the small things you do, simply to make someone else smile, without any expectation of something in return, that count. I’ll try my best to complete everyone’s suggestions (within reason, understanding I have three small children and a phone phobia!) and let you all know how I do.
I’ll also randomly choose three people who leave comments to receive their own RAK – a bit of linky love by way of a post about your blog or website here and if you are happy to share a postal address with me (via email after you win) you might just find something small in your letter box in the next few weeks.
Go to it!
From one Aussie “pickle” to another!
Random cards to people saying how much you appreciate them is always a good thing. Blokes are always bad at doing this so double kudos to you if you can get the men in your life to send notes to their mates. Life is too short to not be encouraging each other. And a written note saying what you really think can have a powerful effect on a person. Especially if out of the blue. If cards are too daunting try an SMS – we have a built up a network of people who randomly send encouraging SMSs to each other. The impact has been amazing.
p.s. and there are no requirements to talk on the phone!
hmm.. I think just a compliment is nice, or a recommendation of sort through entrecard(that’s how I found you!) or technorati or stumble/digg the blog…
Have a great day!
Awww sounds like a beautiful idea will think on ideas.
You know what Kate – I find the best thing a stranger can do for me is simply smile at me! Especially if I am feeling grumpy or overwhelmed (regularly) – a simple smile is just lovely:)
Love the RAK idea, Kate! What a great way to develop the PIF. :) You probably do a lot more RAKs than you realise, but the ones that mean the most are when people do something small and unexpected, like let me into their lane, or hold the door when I’m wrestling a toddler and a preschooler (you know what that’s like!)
Looking forward to seeing the RAK suggestions. (Obviously don’t pick me for your PIF, or that would be PIB!)
The smile is good because it becomes infectious. You smile at them they smile at you and everyone feels good. I also like the first suggestion – goodluck!
My suggestion is to donate some of the excess zucchini to someone needy. Is there a Salvos branch or such that is helping poor families in your area?
Cheers Jill
I won off Guera too – so I am checking out what you planned to do … RAK that sounds good… a very simple one is to buy something off Oxfam or similar it can be – very cheap if money is tight and send the card to another person saying it was in their honour.
Buy a coffee for a stranger (someone you don’t know yet) ordering at a local cafe … a young mum struggling with toddlers an older lady
Offer to mind a friend’s toddler for a few hours – give her a voucher to be redeemed when she needs a favour .
Take a coffee/homemade treat to your maternal-early child health nurse (I might do this) if she doesn’t want it give it to another mum. Ring the office and ask how she takes it?
Ask early childhood nurse to pass on something for her next new twin mum …a simple homemade card or a letter with all your best tips …and of course congratulations.
Find a new twin mum and offer her some zucchini??? what it is about zucchini ?
PIF can be so many things. I am glad you inspired me. I like some of the suggestions from above.
You have already given me RAKs in reaching out when ivy was diagnosed with Pemphigus. Your story and information and support has been amazing!
PS Another with phone phobia here too! LOL
I to think this is a great idea. I like the grocery store PIF’s. Get someone a cart. Or if you see someone is done with one, take it in for them. Always smile:-)