Autumn Shmautumn!


It was the equinox on the weekend… That really clinched it in these here parts… No matter how much I try to deny it, summer has gone, it really is Autumn.

Just as all you bloggers on the other side of the earth are rejoicing in the return of the sun, I’ve begun to read several bloggers from this side of the globe revelling in ‘glorious autumn’.

Glorious my bum!

Why is it that so many people profess Autumn as their favourite season? What is wrong with you people? Are you all insane?? There is nothing glorious about Autumn.

Sure the searing, burn your skin off when you walk out the door, heat has mellowed a little. Sure it has rained some of late which is an entirely good thing all round. Sure the bush fire threat has eased. Sure there are all those pretty coloured leaves…. but those things do not compensate for the loss of Summer.

Good bye long summer evenings that stay warm enough for the kids to play outside until well past their bed time. Good bye late evening sunshine to water the garden by. Goodbye afternoons at the swimming pool, short shorts and summer dresses. Good bye cool night breezes that bring refreshing relief. Good bye home made icy poles. Good bye Sunflowers. Good bye bare feet, dragon flies and picking black berries.

Hello chilly nights and freezing mornings. Hello frozen toes. Hello mud. Hello unpredictable weather. Hello millipedes. Hello chopping wood and using way to much electricity. Hello bulky jackets and two pairs of socks. Hello frost.

Good bye Summer…
Hello Autumn….

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    1. Oh look, I like Summer as much as the next person…and the long days certainly are a treat.

      But the start of Autumn heralds the beginning of the footy/knitting season for me, so all is good in my world :D.

    2. ahem….. I beg to differ….

      I am not a summer person.
      never have been………
      I’ll tell you from my perspective…..:)
      Crisp nights and cool days…I have so much more energy…you can go outside without the fear of being burnt to a cinder.its a pleasure to bake and turn the oven on.Yummy casserole,
      roasts and baked potatoes
      home made biscuits…curling up with some knitting or sewing..
      no more complaints (from the little people) I’m too hot……I’m all sweaty…

      I am ready for Autumn…..bring it on.(all said with tongue in cheek :) )

    3. Sorry-I am RAPT it’s finally Autumn! Autumn really doesn’t start until the 21st. Today I experienced a lovely moment at work, swinging the kids on the swings outside, we all watched the prettiest shower of leaves fall. It was magical :)

    4. Autumn hasn’t started for us yet – it’s still up around mid 30’s here during the day and last night was warm enough to leave the fan on all night!

    5. Oh, I totally understand. Of course, the fact that we’re just getting around to Spring probably has something to do with that. I think the way the weather is here right now with 2 warmer days for every 1 cold day is perfect. I can play outside until I’m exhausted then snuggle up inside for a day of recovery. I’m not looking forward to the intense heat and humidity of summer, but I’d definitely not trade it in for cold and snow.


    6. Winter in Sydney is the best season….low humidity, sunny days in general, not too cold, perfect for getting outdoors. The only problem is the short days. :)

    7. I have learnt to really enjoy all the seasons since living in Canada. When I was in Melbourne the seasons all slip easily into one long glide, but here, they are distinct, all demanding appreciation for the specialness they bring.

      After a winter of -20s to 40’s Im thrilled to see Spring!