Toddlers love to play dress ups and these simple toddler-friendly dress up ideas will have your little one dressing up ad having fun.
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Dressing up is a great way for kids to be creative and to use their imaginations. They are great for dramatic play and helping kids try on new roles and act out the things they see in the world. Plus they are lots and lots of fun!
My kids all love dressing up. We have enough dress-ups to clothe a small army, and all the kids love them. But sometimes my toddler gets a bit frustrated.
He loves dressing up too and he really wants to join in when his big sisters drag out the costume box, but he’s a toddler and he doesn’t yet have the concentration or the skills to manage complicated outfits. Getting fancy dresses and tops over his head is a bit too much sometimes, not to mention doing up velcro or buttons or tying up a gaudy cape to match the wild pants. All that is way too hard for an almost two year old.
But he still wants to join in on the fun… so what is a toddler to do?
Easy Dress Up Ideas for Toddlers
If you have a little person who is just beginning their love of dress ups making a collection of simple, easy to use dress ups and accessories is a great idea.
Toddler Dress Up Idea: Hats
Hats are the perfect dress up for toddlers. They are easy to put on and take off, and they fit a variety of sized children. They are also great for role playing, and easy to find.
Buy a child sized workman’s hat or a firefighter’s helmet, or some animal ears head bands. Or check out the op shop (thrift store), or grandparent’s closets for some fun hats – straw hats, felt hats, knitted beanies or whatever fun hats you can find!
Toddler Dress Up Idea: Bags
Toddlers love dress-up bags. Not only are they a fun dress up accessories but they can be filled with treasure, which you can carry around and then dump out!
Try and find bags with short handles rather than long straps so kids don’t get tangled up in them (long straps may be a choking hazard so please remove to be safe), and look for bags that are easy to open and close.
Check out the op shop/thrift store or ask friends and family if they have any fancy handbags (you can cut the straps off if needed), or sew a simple child sized tote bag, or simply grab a reusable shopping bag!
Toddler Dress Up Idea: Accessories
Chunky necklaces, large bangles also make great toddler dress up ideas.
You’ll need to supervise when using necklaces and be sure to choose necklaces that are not too long, and that have large beads and can stand up to the muscle of a toddler. No one wants a broken necklace and a floor covered with tiny beads which could be a choking hazard.
Large bangles are another great option. Either choose solid bangles or make sure any with beads are strong enough to withstand toddler use and have large beads that are not a choking hazard if they break.
Toddler Dress Up Idea: Scarves
Floaty, flowing scarves are another perfect dress up accessory for toddlers. They can be easily draped over shoulders as a cape, or even tucked into pants as a tail.
You can buy a set of coloured juggling scarves that work well for dress-ups, but scarves are often easily found at op shops/thrift stores, or in grandma’s cupboard, or simply cut up a piece of fabric!
More Easy Dress Up Ideas for Toddlers
If your toddler loves dressing up then they might also like some simple dress-up clothes or costumes. When choosing dress-up costumes for toddlers, make sure you keep it really simple, and make sure they are super easy to get on and off so you are not spending half your life dressing and undressing your toddler!
Basic skirts with an elastic waist are perfect for toddlers to pull on and off on their own. They can be pulled up high to become a skirt, and my kids have even worn them on their heads as a veil/headdress!
A toddler sized cape with an easy velcro closure can also be a fun first dress up for toddlers. If the cape is plain it could be for a wizard or superhero or even whatever they can imagine.
So go now… Scour the back of the wardrobe, take a trip to Grandma’s or the op-shop (thrift store) and find your toddler some hats and bags and then grab the camera… it’s sure to be good fun!
For more easy dress up ideas that are great for preschoolers and older kids check out our list of Easy Dress Up ideas and Tips for Kids
Mistress B says
And old sunglasses!
Mistress B says
sorry, also – aprons.
Guera says
And shoes! Chiq LOVES putting anyone’s shoes on and clomping round the house – hours of fun.
Courtney says
sadly there is no room in a two bedroom apartment for storing dress ups… I feel kinda bad about it too, but thats life in the real world – or in Canada at least!