Kate is a mum of four, with a degree in early childhood education, and many years experience as an early years teacher and parent educator.
Kate created picklebums to help parents and teachers find lots of play-based activities and printables for kids aged 2-10.
AAH!!! Corners full and love and colour! What a home
Hi Kate! I love the corners in your home! It looks like a really fun place for the kids to be.
Can I ask, what sort of can opener do you use or what do you do to your cans to make them safe for the kids to use for textas, etc? The plastic box I have for Matty’s is way too small and it’s easy to collect cans than it is to organise to get out to the shops for *more* plastic boxes.
Lurve your beco! Any pics of you using it?
Oh Rach we have the cheapest crappiest can opener, an all metal old fashioned one from safeways. It takes the lid off only, not cutting into the rim of the can so no sharp edges… if you’d like some cans I can save some for you we go through heaps!
Was that you heckling me on my blog with a good sprinkling of sarcasm… yes I am alive! LOL Just not living all the cyber life I’d like to! LOL
Love all the “corners of your home” but my favourite is the amazing wall of art! :)