For the Love of Vegemite

(photo by AZAdam via flickr)

I realise vegemite is an aquired taste. I realise that if you are not an Australian you might not even know what this black salty stuff is, and I realise that if you are a non-Aussie then your chances of finding this stuff anything less than revolting is slim to none. However, I have always held firm to the notion that if you were raised eating vegemite you will love it, or at the very least tolerate it, for life. Personally I love the stuff… in a sandwich, on toast, on crumpets… always with lashings of butter or marg. I’ve bought up my children to love the stuff – they’ve eaten it from a young age and always like it… except one.

I can’t believe I have grown, birthed and raised a child who doesn’t like vegemite.

She used to eat it when she was little, but these days Izzy boldly informs me that she has ‘gone off’ vegemite and doesn’t know when or even if she will ‘go back on it’. It is a terrible, terrible, tradgey. A slap in the face to this vegemite loving mother and a right royal a pain in the bum when it comes to sandwich making. In a house without peanut butter the only other quick, easy, spreadable sandwich option is jam. Jam?!? On bread? Sweet with Savoury? Ugh… gross!

I’ve tried to pursuade her, to encourage her back into the fold, and yet, she stands firm, refusing to join what is right and natural and instead going against the grain and asking for jam. Worse still… she is influencing her sister who informed me today that she might think about ‘going off’ vegemite too soon.

What is the world coming to?

Yet, all is not lost…. There is still one small member of my household who eagerly joins me in a vegemite sanger. Not only does he love it, but he calls it “Yum-ite”. Ah, a boy after my own heart.

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    1. hehe.. Sam is not a vegemite eater, and hence the children aren’t either. They used to like it, and Tom still does occaisionally … When we were kids, we lived in France and my Dad sent us a package which included two massive jars of vegemite .. we eagerly shared it with our french friends (who ate blocks of chocolate in their sandwiches) ..their response, with a screwed up nose “c’est degueulasse” (that’s disgusting if you had not worked it out) LOL, we were happy more for us!

    2. If there were ever reasonable grounds for divorcing your children I think refusing to eat Vegemite despite growing up in Australia would be a good reason. You have to do something to stop this tragedy!!!

    3. Our local pizza shop makes a vegemite pizza!!! YUMMO….I am having one for tea tonight actually. Lol.
      It is like vegemite & cheese grilled & really more-ish.
      My 2 kids love it, hubby can’t stand the smell (or taste) of it either!!! Strange I reckon!

      Sandi :)

    4. My dad hates the stuff – but he was born overseas lol

      my kids are appalled that someone is screwing with their vegemite with this new one coming out!

    5. I HATE the stuff.I used to gag at the mere smell of it!!!I am a bit better these days but thankfully now my girls make their own!!!

    6. How about a slice of cheese. Always quick and easy.

      Fish paste is another old favourite.

      When I was a kid I had Lemon butter sandwiches every day for a year. Then I “went off them”