Shhh… don’t say it out loud.

I’m almost afraid to say it out loud. So shhhhhh… I will whisper it here on my blog, and celebrate quietly lest the universe bites me on the bum and takes it all away

I have a secret… a small yet momentous secret… an amazing and wonderful thing has occurred in our house. Right after I had a big whinge here about the whole night nappy thing, it magically happened. The Twinadoes are no longer wearing nappies to bed.

ooh shhhhhhhhhhhhhh… yipee!

Out of the blue Izzy said that she didn’t want to wear a nappy any more. She’d done this in the past with dismal failure, and many tears so I didn’t really think much of it. I told her if she could be dry two nights in a row she could try without a nappy. And she was. And she did. Then a week or so later Zoe complained that she didn’t want to wear a nappy either. I gave her the same deal and here we are, weeks later and no more nappies!

We’ve had one or two wet beds in that time but no where near as many I expected and I can’t remember the last time someone woke up wet.

It seems like a quiet miracle has occurred in our house. Right when I was about to give up hope, and exactly when we all needed it. So here I am celebrating quietly… and saying thanks to the universe, the goddess of wet beds and all of you for the wonderful support.

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    1. *yaaaaaay* (how do you whisper in writing)… Now, pass some of those vibes on over here, I have a 3y 11m old who desperately need to learn some daytime toilet joy (at least)…

    2. Great stuff! We have suddenly hit that milestone too and oh boy yes it feels good! My three year old is hell bent on going all night with no nappy too though, just like her big sis, so I’m doing maybe a little more laundry than I’d like, but wonder of wonders, she’s managing it most nights too. It’s almost inconceivable that I no longer have to buy diapers and that the kids have accomplished this, because they have been complaining about diapers at night for so long! I am definately feeling your relief!