Growing From Seed.

We grow most of our veggies and flowers from seed. I used to think that was too hard, but actually it’s pretty easy!


All of our seeds come from either the Diggers Club or more recently from Eden Seeds (who have excellent customer service and turn around times). They both supply open pollinated, old fashioned seeds which I think both grow better, healthier veggies and I seem to have more success getting them to germinate, grow and produce. Plus I can order online and get them delivered! At approx $3 or less per packet of seeds you can grow a LOT of food for not much money.

We live in an area that is prone to very late, hard, frosts and cold nights right up into the start of December. So we start pretty much all of our seeds inside on the kitchen window sill.

I plant seeds into trays of toilet paper rolls so that when they are transplanted I don’t disturb their roots too much. This year, we didn’t remember to save many toilet rolls so I had a quick google and used this method for making ‘pots’ from newspaper. It worked really well and they can also go straight into the ground paper and all disturbing precious roots even less.


So far we’ve planted –
two kinds of cucumber
two kinds of climbing beans
three kinds of pumpkin
two kinds of watermelon
two kinds of rockmelon
three varieties of tomatoes
As well as various herbs and flowers.

Corn and sunflowers will go straight into the ground when it gets warmer, along with some more beans, pumpkins and melons in the hope of a second cropping late summer, if we are lucky.

We do cheat with some things. We just don’t have a long enough, hot enough summer for things like egg plants, so if we attempt them buy them as seedlings to get a head start. In the past I’ve also bought some tomato seedlings to try and get some early tomatoes (ours never ripen until march!) but we never have much success with this so I’m not sure if I’ll attempt it again this year or not.

Do you grow from seed?
What are you growing this spring/summer season?
Or if you are on the other side of the world what did you grow and are you putting in anything over winter?
Do you have tips or tricks for growing from seed?

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    1. Oh Kate – I have a beautiful bag of seeds from the Diggers Club – awaiting to be planted and raised. Have I left my run too late!> I just cannot seem to find the time – but have massive intentions:)

    2. I’ve always put growing from seed in the too hard basket for all but the most robust plants. I like the toilet roll idea though and might give it a try. There doesn’t seem to be too much fiddling around that I could stuff up!

      We did have some carrot seeds in this year. I say did, because last weekend my son planted beetroot seedlings in the exact same spot as the carrots. They might still surprise us & come up. Who knows?

    3. I grow from seed but often I just direct plant everything because I’m lazy :) If it grows, it grows! I do have some tomato & cucumber seeds I’ve just sowed into pots to try and raise before I plant them out though. Hopefully they work!

    4. Like the toilet rolls and newspaper trick! Another good recycling tip for those who buy berries in punnets – is to re-use the punnets for growing seeds – they usu. come with pre-punched drainage holes and form an instant mini hot house when you shut the lid.