It Never Rains Till it Pours

Saturday turned out to be not such a crash hot day… though it really did rain in the morning, 5mms in the gauge which may not sound like a lot but it is a lot for us. So we literally stared the day off with a down pour and things just got crazier from there on….

The girls have ‘not been well’. I think that is the best way to describe just having general colds that in the true style of my children quickly shifted from harmless runny nose to full on chesty cough and wheeze. That is pretty much expected with the girls and a cold so I wasn’t too phased.. we just cancelled our plans for the end of the week and kept and eye out for things going downhill.

Zoe wasn’t too bad, but by Saturday Izzy was struggling a bit and I was umming and ahhing about whether we needed to trk off somewhere for a nebuliser session. She perked up after 2 hourly ventolin (but I guess that is enough to perk up anyone!) and an afternoon sleep and they were both desperate to go to Grandma Jill’s for dinner… we had a birthday present for their cousin and they wanted to do their ‘show’ for Grandma Jill. So I figured what the hell.. Grandma Jill’s is a heck of a lot closer to medical help than our house so we made plans to go.

We painted wrapping paper for the present and that is when the first true disaster struck… my camera is broken!!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Actually it still takes photos but the screen doesn’t work – all I get when I turn it on is white… no menu, no images, just white! This is SO not good.. I need the screen to see if I have actually got the shot I intended (yes I know, I don’t know how I ever survived before digital!) and I suspect a screen may not be an easily fixable part. So don’t expect to see any photos on the blog for a while and if anyone knows of a place that might quote me to get it fixed please let me know!

So I was pretty peeved about that…. but the painting turned out ace and we finally were ready to go almost on time. I noticed as we got in the car some red blotches on Zoe’s neck but she’d just scoffed a peach and fruit juice often makes her skin go a bit red, and she wasn’t itching or complaining so didn’t think anything of it.

We made it to dinner almost on time… Izzy was not a happy chappy but she managed to keep up with her sister in scoffing down the roast lamb, pumpkin and potatoes. But when she decided Zoe could have her apple pie I knew she was probably not so hot. Her wheeze was getting worse and while she jumped in the bath I pretty much decided we’d call in at RCH on the way home, just in case she needed something more than a few puffs of ventolin.

So with my mind of taking one sick child to RCH emergency I hurried Zoe to get in the bath.. stripped off her top to discover she was COVERED from head to bum in huge red blotches. As soon as her clothes came off she noticed them and started itching like mad. I have never seen hives before but thankfully my MIL knew what they were so after a quick bath we packed them both off to RCH emergency.

When we got there Izzy was definitely the worse off of the two so we were lucky to be seen pretty quickly. But by the time we got settled and seen by a doctor Izzy had picked up a lot but they were pretty concerned about Zoe and her rash and he now worsening wheeze. So began four hours of ventolin for them both, prednisilone for Izzy and phenergan for Zoe.

The major concern was that we had no idea what caused Zoe’s reaction. She had not eaten anything different and we hadn’t even been outside because of the weather. That combined with the fact that it had obviously affected her breathing meant we stayed for them to monitor her and make sure it didn’t any worse. She bounced off the ceiling for a while on the phenergan but it did it’s job so by about 1:30am we had the all clear for both of them to come home.

SO after a looooong night it seems whatever is causing the hives in still in Zoe’s system, as when the phenergan wears off she comes out blotchy in a new spot. Both of them come and go with the asthma so they are still being pumped full of ventolin and they are both NARKY as hell. Thank goodness we eventually made it to Nanny and Bobo’s late yesterday so someone else could listen to the whining for a while. We have a GP appointment for later in the week and hopefully will get a referral for the allergy clinic and an appointment asap and get on top of these stupid allergies once and for all.

So yes.. it never rains till it pours at our house. I can never just have one baby sick at once… no I have to have all three of my most precious things go belly up on the same day!

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    1. Oh dear Kate,

      I was wondering what happened but didn’t like to ring too early then obviously missed you.

      The irritating thing about hives is you often don’t ever find out what causes/caused them.

      Hope the girls are well soon.


    2. Oh hugs all round. HOpe that the girls feel better soon, and you do get to the bottom of the allergies. Sorry about the camera too.. don’t know how they’d go about fixing it, hopefully it’s not a huge job….

    3. Hope you girls are feeling better soon. You know infections can cause hives? And trigger asthma. Jordan has had hives where there was differring opinions on whether it was an allergy or infection. He’s had them this week to from bee sting allergy.

      Must be scary with their asthma, hope you get some answers.

      And hope the camera is an easy fix!

    4. My heart goes out to you and the girls. I can soooo sympathize. Our whole household went through an episode of being sick, then a red spotted allergic reaction to amoxicillin, then sick again.

      The mean ol’ techno trolls visited my house too – killing the hard drive on my computer and then the hard drive on my iPod. Personally I wanted to scream “What is wrong with the Universe?” Though I suppose in the scheme of things that might be a tad melodramatic.

      Hang in there! I hope the girls get well quickly and that the issue with your camera turns out to be an easy and inexpensive fix too!

    5. Kate, what an awful few days you guys have had! Here’s hoping it all clears up for the girls soon and they are back to their normal selves.

      About your camera, I would ring The Camera Clinic in Collingwood and ask them if they can quote over the phone – that’s where I take my Nikon to be fixed. HTH!

    6. fexxbach, great minds, i’ve already had a chat with kate and sent her off to the camera clinic. hopefully its a cheap fix (cheapish)

    7. Hugs babe gosh it certainly does pour at your place massive hugs to the girls and I hope they are feeling better very soon. We are in that band where the rain keeps missing us as well, like massive storms go around us..

      Your camera I could cry for you, do you have a warranty on it? Michaels in the city, there is a camera shop in smith st collingwood that is a repair shop no idea on the name though. Also on the Nikon australia site you might be able to find a registered repairer. Be warned some of them charge just to look at the camera!

    8. You poor thing Kate….you have all been through so much these past few days. Hugs to you all and I hope the girls are very soon on their way to a full recovery. I am allergic to a number of things and in particular anything that comes close to citric acids. If I want to eat an orange (amongst many oter things)I have to take an antihistimine or I break out in itchy blotches known quite affectionately as hives…nothing worse so I feel for the girls.
      OUCH to the camera and I hope that is a simple, quick and not too expensive fix. Take care Kate!

    9. Oh bugger about your camera, hope you get it sorted soon!

      Hugs to the girls, hope the wheezing settles and the rash eases up. Phenergan is a wonderful thing, Trent still needs it a couple of times a week, especially this time of year.

      Hope everyone is less narky again soon :)