Kitchen Conversion Chart
This free printable kitchen conversion chart is a handy measurement cheat sheet to have in your kitchen.
Keep this metric conversion sheet on your fridge, or stuck on the inside of a cupboard door, or in a cook book, just keep it somewhere handy so you can easily convert any recipe you find online and bake or cook something delicious without googling conversions!

In case you didn’t know, I am Australian.
And because I am Australian I sometimes spell words a little differently.
I’m not a bad speller (actually I am, and I also make my fair share of errors and typos, but this is different) we just use UK English here in Australia, so we’d say ‘colour’ and ‘favourite’ and ‘organise’.
Along with our ‘weird’ spelling, we also use ‘weird’ measurement.
We use metric measurements – centimetres (see we spell that ‘wrong’ too), litres, grams etc. We also use Celsius for our temperatures.
I know the measurements, and especially the oven temperatures, sometimes confuse people when they read the recipes I share, so I’ve whipped up a handy dandy kitchen cheat sheet.
This sheet is also handy if you are like me and love browsing pinterest for recipes from other parts of the world. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to look up a temperature conversion app or google ‘how much does a stick of butter weight’!
Free Printable Kitchen Measurements Cheat Sheet
This printable kitchen conversion chart is a handy one page document that you can print and display or store easily.
I’ve rounded up measurements where I could to make them more practical and user friendly, and I’ve included the weights of a couple of common baking items too.

This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.
Please remember that the printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.
Now you have your kitchen conversion chart printed and on hand, it’s time to cook!
Try making one of these family favourite recipes:
Thank you, thank you! Only this morning I was googling what 2x sticks of butter is in grams! Really appreciate this resource. Thanks again!
I reckon I google that at least once a week! LOL
Thank you, this will hang inside my kitchen cupboard for quick reference.
I’m from Singapore, so we are Commonwealth too, so this lovely printable would definitely be useful!! :D (p.s. I get annoyed that all the auto correct and text corrects keep trying to make me spell everything without the extra “u”s!)
Very much appreciated. I’m doing much more baking these days and with so many recipes being on line I frequently run across one that uses metric. Nice to have easily understandable conversions right on the fridge. Thank you!
Thank you for making this! I’m an American living in Germany who does most of my cooking with American recipes from the internet and I am constantly having to check my phone for temperature and other conversions. How much does half a cup of butter weight again?? This is the best sheet I’ve found.
Thank you for your brilliant Conversion Chart. The usa is the oddball. Most everyone else in the world uses Celsius .