Fun Ways to Learn Times Tables (Plus Free Printable Times Table Posters!)

Learning times tables doesn’t have to be boring, or difficult! These ideas, activities and fun ways to learn times tables will make mastering multiplication facts interesting and enjoyable!

From hands on times tables activities, multiplication crafts, free printable multiplication activities, and silly times table songs and videos, there are so many fun ways to practice times tables!

Plus we have a set free printable times table posters that are perfect to put up on the wall so your kids can easily see, practice and learn times tables from 1-12.

20 Ideas For Learning Times Tables - hands on activities, online games, apps and printables to help kids remember and recall their times tables.

I’ve had a couple of kids go through the process of learning their times tables. While they all understood the concept of multiplication quite well, when it came to remembering and being able to recall multiplication facts quickly and easily, they all really struggled.

We could have spent a long time simply drilling times tables and trying to learn them by rote, but the best way to teach multiplication tables is to make it fun!

Fun Ways to Learn Times Tables.

These fun ways to learn times tables will help your kids practice the concept of multiplication, and remember and recall their times tables.

This list of easy ways to to learn times tables includes all kinds of ideas and activities, from clever tricks, to fun hands on learning activities, and even a few apps, games and printables.

Plus if you scroll down to the end of this post you’ll find some free printable times tables posters too.

Hands on Times Tables Activities.

Use plastic Easter eggs to make this great hands on multiplication game from Rainy Day Mum.

Kids Activities Blog shares a cool idea to make a paper fortune teller to practice multiplication.

My kids play this simple multiplication card game at school – these are good clear instructions from Top Notch Teaching.

Childhood 101 shares a similar card game, this time using Uno cards.

Or use dominoes to play Multiplication War from Fun Games 4 Learning.

I love this multiplication high five game from Creekside Learning – what a great way to make learning your times tables fun and positive!

This trash multiplication and clean up game from Living Montessori Now is a great way for early learners to get started with times tables.

Try making these patterned multiplication circles from Lemon Lime Adventures as a fun multiplication craft activity.

Times Table Learning Tricks

I love this cool trick with your hands for learning the nine times tables from Come Together Kids.

This is another great tip for using your hands to help you work out the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 times tables – this is a great video showing how it works from Simon Deacon.

Thought Co has a great list of simple multiplication tricks that will help kids learn times tables.

Times Table Music, Online games and Apps.

Imagination Soup has a great list of multiplication songs that are not overly cutesy and babyish.

We like this video from philtulgamusic which has a catchy rhythm to help learn multiplication facts. has a great selection of free games (Granny Prix is a favourite here) and lots of other learning resources for kids, parents and teachers.

Sushi Monster is a great free maths app with lots of good multiplication options.

MultiFlow is not a super cheap app, but it offers lots of options for practicing multiplaction facts. Read this great review from iGame Mom.

Squeebles Times Tables is another great paid app, lots of fun ways to practice times tables and it also goes up to 13s, 14s, and 15s if your child loves a challenge.

Connect Four Factors is a simple online game based on good old Connect Four, but you really have to think about your times tables to win!

Real Life At Home has a great list of free online multiplication games here.

Try Math Trainer to practice multiplication facts online.

Times Table Printables

These mini multiplication fact cards from Teach Mama are great and she shares lots of ideas for using them.

Try playing This Teaching Mama’s free Multiplication Roll and Bump game.

Play multiplication Eye Spy with this great printable from Next Comes L

Or have a game of Times Table Bingo with this free printable from The Life of Spicers.

This Multiplication Doubles card game from This Reading Mama is great. I love the idea of learning the doubles giving kids a ‘home base… to use to figure out the unknowns quicker.’

These free printable multiplication flash cards from 3 Dinosaurs can be used in lots of ways to learn times tables.

Free Printable Times Table Posters.

And of course one of the best ways to learn your times tables is to stick up a poster somewhere that you will see them often… the back of the toilet door? On the ceiling above your bed? Or anywhere that will remind you to have a quick practice.

I made these simple times table posters so that we could print them out and stick them up in all different places around our house.

This set of times tables posters includes two A4 pages to help you learn times tables from 1 to 12.

This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. It will fit to print on US ‘letter sized’ paper, just be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options to allow for printer margins.

Free Printable Times Tables Posters - plus 20 more ideas to help kids remember and recall their times tables

Download The Times Tables Posters

Click here to download the times tables posters.

Please remember that the printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

Do you have kids who are learning their times tables?

If you have a great tip or trick for helping kids learn times tables, leave a comment below and share it will us!

More Fun Maths Activities.

If your kids are not quite ready for learning times tables, they might like these fun, early learner, maths activities:

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    1. Thanks for sharing your link David. I’e had a quick listen and I love it. Great style and I think it will really appeal to this age group of kids. Well done.

    2. My daughter had a hard time learning the times table.
      So I wrote an android application to assist her :)

      Each exercise kids solve helps them to feed the cute panda.
      You can get daily reminders to feed the panda (solve exercises) and kids get rewarded with trophies upon goals completion.

      Using this application my daughter learned the whole times table without noticing :-)

      * Currently the application is only for Android phones *

    3. Thanks for the timetables poster (o: I needed something both functional and nice in a hurry, and these are perfect.