Make a Glove Monster Toy – Kids Craft

Have you got a lost and lonely glove floating around your house? Or maybe you have a pair of gloves that your kids have outgrown? Turn those old gloves into a fun glove monster soft toy with this easy kids craft.

monster soft toy made from old golve

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Don’t throw out that glove that has lost it’s matching partner, use it to make this easy glove monster toy!

This kids craft is a great beginners sewing project, and with a few simple steps and basic supplies you can make a super cute monster softie!

monster soft toy made from glove

How to Make a Glove Monster

You can make this glove monster softie as simple or as elaborate as you like, but for kids who are just beginning with sewing, it’s a good idea to keep it simple.

To make your glove monster softie you’ll need the following basic supplies:

To make your glove monster softie, the first thing you need to do is decide how many fingers of the glove you want to use. We decided to keep all the fingers, but not the thumb so that our monster had some spiky finger hair! You could choose to keep just the thumb and pinky finger, or any combination of fingers you like.

Once you have decided on the fingers, turn the glove inside out and sew across the base of the fingers you don’t want to use.

A large needled with a big, easy to thread, eye, is great for beginners and works great for this project as the wooly glove is easy to push the needle through. We double the thread over and tie it together at the end so there is no chance it can slip off the needle and frustrate our new sewers.

We sewed across the base of the thumb, so when we turned the glove the right way in, the thumb no longer stuck out.

Turn your glove the right way in and fill it up with stuffing! Synthetic stuffing such as polyfill is perfect for this project, but you could also use fabric scraps cut into tiny pieces, which is a great way to recycle them.

You can choose to fill the finger parts of the glove with stuffing so they stand up, or leave them a little empty so they flop around like hair. The fill up the hand part of the glove and sew it closed across the bottom.

Now it’s time to give your monster a face.

We kept our monster’s face simple so that it was quick and easy to make, and simply glued on google eyes and a pipe cleaner mouth. You could also cut felt scraps to make facial features and glue or sew them on to make your monster’s face.

monster toy made out of a glove

Now your glove monster soft toy is ready to play with!

This fun glove monster craft is a quick and easy project and perfect for beginner sewers. It makes a great gift for friend or siblings too!

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