
Just sharing these while I remember…. you can tell she is my child as once she’d been in hospital a few days and was feeling better she suddenly wanted to know why I hadn’t taken her photo with the nasal prings in her nose yet! Had to send home to Nanny’s for the camera and this is the results…

These were taken on day four she was looking and feeling a LOT better by then!Pity about the dummy but I felt too mean to say no dummies (except for night time sleep) when she was that miserable!

I couldn’t believe she chose this baby toy from the hospital toy lady but later on I heard her busy ‘calling Izzy’ and realised why she wanted it so bad.

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    1. oh oh how heartbreaking!! So glad they are reunited and well!!

      Audrey has that tshirt btw! :) I fell in love with it, it’s too beautiful :)

    2. I am sooo glad they are feeling better, and I agree re: not worrying about the dummy – we all need our comforts when we are sick (and even when we aren’t!).

    3. that is a fabulous LO too kate and it would be so hard to choose anything of Tracy Anns they are all so beautiful, glad the girls are better and love the toy she chose