Super Powers Anyone?

Apart from being able to squirt breast milk clear across the room on occasion, having children has endowed me with several other superpowers…. not the least of which is the pregnancy power of SUPER SMELL!

I’ve had it with all my pregnancies. It’s one of the first things that tipped me off to this pregnancy – despite the fact I filed it deep in the back recesses of my brain under ‘denial’ for a good few weeks after I noticed it.

Suddenly I can smell things that no one else can.
Things don’t necessarily smell bad… just much MUCH stronger than usual.

“Oh man you really smell” I declare as my poor husband walks into the room. “Oh I don’t mean you smell bad… you just smell like you, but like a million times stronger”.

“Is this chicken ok?” I ask as I cut up thigh fillets for dinner… the only raw chicken smell I’ve ever noticed before has been an indicator or bad bad things. “I can’t smell a thing” replies my husband.

“It’s raining somewhere” I announce like a phantom weather forecaster one sunny afternoon much to the amusement of everyone present. “It is” I protest “I can smell it”

The thing is…. it’s not really the super power you need when you are newly pregnant and everything makes you want to spew…

“Did you eat cheese and bacon balls today?” I accuse my husband when he comes home from work. He admits that he ate some at morning tea. “You CAN NOT sleep with me tonight, I will vomit on you.”

Pulling over the car on the way to school to vomit in the gutter because you smelt a phantom smell out the window while hooning … ahem… I mean driving safely… down the road really isn’t becoming for a new school mum.

This is one super power I am not going to miss when it goes….no matter how impressive it may sound!

So what is your current super power!

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    1. Oh I totally relate to that Kate, I had it in my pregnancies too .. and yes it did contribute whole heartedly to the spewing. My fist spew my first pregnancy before I knew was the smell of the washing up water! LOL

    2. Ohhhhh the super smell, how I loathe it. And srsly, my 6yo boyo SMELLS when he gets home from school. Not horrible, but just boy and running and sandpit and dirt and boy again lol.

      And holy cow the impact of a stinky toddler nappy on my poor stomach is quite unbelievable :s

      But hey you’ll be free from it pretty soon really!! Wish I could say the same ;p

    3. Ah, I remember it well and I don’t miss it at all. I used to have to do the grocery shopping whilst holding my breath. All those food smells.

    4. Ohmygod, yes! I had that power too when I was pregnant. I don’t miss it though because I don’t drive and I take public transport. Enough said. Heheh.

    5. I had it, too, but aside from all the spew it made me want to do, there was one smell I couldn’t get enough of – fresh cut grass! If we were driving down the road and I thought I might be able to see or hear grass being cut, I’d put the car window down and take big deep breaths! I don’t know what that was all about, but good times LOL

    6. I did NOT get the pregnancy super-smell. I did, however, get pregnancy nosebleeds. Not nearly as much fun, I am certain.

      As for my current superpower, I have to say it’s making up funny words to songs. It entertains everyone, including me.