Make an Autumn Crown.

Are you looking for a beautiful autumn leaf craft to do with your kids? Try making one of these lovely autumn crowns.

To make your autumn crown you’ll need to collect a whole lot of autumn leaves!

Go outside, visit a park, or take a walk around your neighborhood and collect as many different kinds of autumn leaves as you can. Look for big ones and small ones and look for all different colours.

When you have collected your leaves grab some light cardboard (a cereal box works well) and cut it into long strips.

Measure your child’s head and staple or tape the strips of cardboard into a ring that fits snugly on your child’s head. You might need to use two pieces if you cut your cardboard from a recycled cereal box.

You’ll need a nice thick paste to glue the leaves to the cardboard. We made corn flour paste with a bit of pva glue (white school glue) for added stinkingness.

Now the fun part, choose your leaves and glue them to the cardboard. We found it works best when you put the glue on the leaves rather than on the paper crown.

Now you have a beautiful autumn crown to celebrate the change of seasons!

Hopefully there are still a few autumn leaves left where you live so you can give this a try!

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    1. I KNOW there are many frangipanni leaves available for this – because I had to mow through them recently.

      Darn for a child too old and a child too young to play such things…

    2. The autumn leaves are fantastic colours and make a great crown … I wish our area had more deciduous trees I might have to go hunting for some so we can make crowns :)

    3. Nathan adores picking up the autumn leaves. He brought home a huge one the other day. I’ve been wondering how we could use the leaves after we get them home. This is a great idea! Thanks.

    4. My kids love gathering up leaves when we take our evening walks around the neighborhood. What a great way to show them off!

    5. It is summertime here in Texas but I will use this idea in October when the leaves start turning here. Love the crown.