This Week.

This week at the picklefarm
This week the canola is in flower and the paddocks look like yellow sea with the occasional island tree.

This week I survived on very little sleep and did 16 loads of washing.

This week we missed out on many things, and juggled furiously to make it to others.

This week my three year old watched too much TV and laughed hysterically every time someone was hurt on the Looney Tunes DVD.

This week I got to the point where I was sure I couldn’t struggle on any longer, and yet I did.

This week saw the end of term three and next week I don’t have to make school lunches.

This week I am retiring ‘Six for Saturday’ but I am still sharing some of the cool and clever things I have found online this week….

What have you been doing this week?

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    1. That is a whole lot of laundry! Sounds like you had one of those weeks we would all rather just skip.

      I hope next week is better: Thank goodness for school holidays hey? We finish up at the end of this week. I do love no school lunches and not having to get up and rush out anywhere!