20 Ways to Be a Better Parent

20 ways to be a better parent - it's the little things I need to remember and do more of.
It’s always the little things that make the biggest impact… and it’s always the little things that I neglect.

I often feel so caught up in the never ending cycles of laundry, homework and dinners that I forget to notice the small things. I often feel stretched so thin that I forget that pulling back a little is the best way to avoid a complete catastrophe. Life often whirrs past me so fast that I fail to notice the moments when something small could make a big difference.

I want to do better.

I want to notice, and take time, and help us all do better.

I want to…

Talk less.

Sit for a moment.


Sing requests in an opera voice

Hug first.

Smile… even when I feel like crap.

Hold hands as much as possible.

Tell fart jokes.

Take a breath.

Give cow kisses.

Read, read, read.



Draw faces on their sandwich wrappers.

Remember what it was like to be a kid

Notice the little things, and remark on them

Make time, even if it is only 30 seconds.

Find positive words.

Remember… they are still small

Say yes.

What would you add to my list?

What do you want to do more of or be better at?

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    1. I try to remind myself my children would rather have a patient mom than a productive mom. I might need to let a thing or two go.

    2. Awesome list, may have to print and put on the wall ;)
      Tell them how much you love them – all the time, be it when laying them down for a nap, or just for a smile. I tell our monkey that “I love you to forever and beyond” all the time

    3. If I had to add anything I would say be more understanding and Forgive more and most of all.enjoy each day to the fullest love them no matter what

    4. Great list.thanks for all the wonderful tips…
      I see that I am not the only one that perhaps at times feels guilty for not stopping and noticing the little things or rushing them out the door..
      What to do when they talk back? My 8 year old starting to talk back when he doesn’t agree or don’t feel like doing what I ask to be done.

    5. Make up song and stories about them. Recognized their impact in other people and remark that as much as possible.
      Example: My little boy is such a sweet heart he can play with boys or girls, is very easy to adapt, as the years pass, he seems to forget he is a sweet person that is his core I can say, so am constantly remind him how his sweetness impact this world.
