15 Delicious Zucchini Recipes to Try Right Now.

At the start of each spring I say “Lets plant lots of zucchinis. We love zucchini!”

But by mid summer, when I am bringing in armfuls of giant zucchinis every day, I realise that I probably only needed to plan one zucchini seedling!

What do I do with all these zucchinis?

My friends all turn and walk away when they see me coming with yet another zuc, and it seems such a waste to just feed them to the chickens, so I guess I’ll just have to get creative and try some of these delicious zucchini recipes.

15 zucchini recipes to try

Zucchini is so easy to grow, it’s a perfect for kids to plant in the garden. The only minor problem is that you suddenly go from having no zucchinis, to having lots of zucchinis, almost over night!

Zucchinis are also cheap to buy when in season, and you can cook them in so many different ways, even your kids will eat them.

Give one of these easy and delicious zucchini recipes a try.

Zucchini Cake and Muffin Recipes

Dinner recipes with Zuchinni

Recipes you can add zucchini to.

Grated zucchini can be added to so many recipes. It bulks out and adds an extra hit of veggies to pasta sauce, curry, chilli and more.

You can freeze grated zucchini to add to recipes such as the ones below. It will add some extra liquid to the recipe so you may have to increase simmering time. If you are adding it to burgers or meatballs you may need to chop it after it is grated, and squeeze out as much excess liquid as possible.

What’s your favourite zucchini recipe?

If you’ve never grown a zucchini before, plant one this spring. You can grow them easily in a pot, or in the garden, and with a bit of care you’ll have more zucchinis than you know what to do with and you can try all of these recipes!

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