I Spy Earth Day Find and Color Activity Page

This fun, free printable, I Spy Earth Day find and colour activity is full of earth friendly images and a great way to celebrate Earth Day with kids.

This ‘print and go’ activity page is a quick and easy activity that kids will love. It’s a visual scavenger hunt that challenges kids to find and count lots of different Earth Day-related objects.

Earth day find and colour printed activity page

Earth Day is celebrated around the world on April 22nd and encourages awareness and appreciation for the environment. This free printable Earth Day find and colour activity page is a great way for kids to learn about the environmental movement and celebrate the earth.

This a great learning activity for kids at home or in the classroom.

Use this activity page as part of your Earth Day learning theme, or print a stash to have available in your classroom for early finishers to grab any time. It’s also a great travel activity, or a fun way to keep kids entertained if they have to wait, or any time.

For even more Earth Day themed learning try these free printable Earth Day pattern block mats, or these fun Earth Day letter maze worksheets. Or try this super cute earth day craft and make a happy (or sad) earth.

earth day find and colour activity page coloured in with pencil

How to Use the Earth Day I Spy

This Earth Day fund and colour page is quick and easy to print, and lots of fun to do! All you need is some coloured pencils or markers and a keen eye to spot all the items.

Challenge you kids to find every item on the list (we’ve included images as well as words for beginning readers) colouring in each one as they count it. Or ask the kids to find and colour whatever you can see – “colour six flowers and two bees!” It’s also fun race each other and see who can find all of the items on the list first!

You can also make up your own challenges to work on other skills you’d like to target. Challenge your kids to colour all the items that start with a particular letter, or challenge them to find which two items add up to 12.

earth day I spy printable on a table with pencils

What Kids Learn

This fun Earth Day I spy printable helps kids work on a variety of skills and learning areas.

  • Visual Perception – kids need to scan and identify objects in a busy scene, working on visual discrimination and tracking skills. They’ll need to pay attention to details, identify shapes, and differentiate between objects, which are essential skills for reading, writing, and math.
  • Math Skills – kids are working on number recognition, counting (one to one correspondence), comparing and sorting.
  • Other Cognitive Skills – apart from all the maths learning, kids are also practicing problem solving skills, logical thinking, and using their working memory.
  • Fine Motor Skills – coloring the items is a great way to work on fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.
  • Environmental Awareness – The Earth Day I Spy activity introduces kids to the concept of caring for the environment in a fun way. Use this activity as a starting point for talking about the environment, recycling, and other Earth Day issues.

Download the Free Printable I Spy Earth Day Activity.

You can download the Earth Day I Spy find and colour activity below and print as many copies as you need!

This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. It will fit to print on US ‘letter sized’ paper, just be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options to allow for printer margins.

Coloured in Earth Day find and colour

Download The Earth Day Find and Colour Activity

Click here to download the I Spy Earth Day Find and Colour Page.

Please remember that the printables at picklebums.com are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

More Earth Day Find and Color Activities.

If your kids love find and colour activities or you are looking for some I Spy activities for your classroom, you might like our full Earth Day Find and Color Pack.

This printable pack includes two find and colour pages – one easier with a smaller number of larger images, and one harder with more smaller images (the same as the free version above). Both easier and harder pages include an option with the numbers, and an option without the numbers. Plus there is also a bonus find and graph page!

Earth Day find and color printable pack

Check it out in our shop, or use the ‘buy it now’ button above to pop it straight into your shopping cart for just $2 US. It’s a great way to support picklebums so we can keep sharing lots and lots of free printables!

Or check out some of our other fun find and colour printables:

Free printable - outdoor adventure find and colour activity

Try this fun free printable Outdoor Adventure Find and Colour

ALphabet find and colour activity - free printable

This free printable Alphabet Find and Colour Activity is a fun way to practice letter recognition.

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    One Comment

    1. Hi Kate. THNAK YOU for making these activities and sharing them. I am an OT and work with kids. You make my job so much easier! I appreciate you!