Make an Egg Carton Mask

These super cool (and a little bit creepy) egg carton masks are easy to make and are a fun art and craft activity for kids of all ages!

Start saving your egg cartons so you can have a go at this fun egg carton craft!

Make a super easy egg carton mask

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Making these egg carton masks is so much fun and the perfect craft activity if you have a group of kids with different ages or abilities.

These masks turned out supper cool… and kind of a little bit creepy, but that is half the fun!

These masks would be great as a Halloween craft, as part of a homemade costume, or just as a fun craft activity.

How to Make an Egg Carton Mask

While the kids need to follow some basic instructions to make these egg carton masks, there is lots of room for individual creativity and fun! Once you get the hang of how to cut the egg carton to make it a wearable mask, you can add extra features of decorate it any way you’d like.

Each egg carton makes a few masks, but I hope you have lots because once you start making them you won’t want to stop!

To make an egg carton mask you’ll need:

  • A cardboard egg carton
  • Scissors
  • String or elastic.
  • Tape or a stapler
  • Items to decorate your mask – paint, markers, stickers etc.

The cutting of the egg cartons can be a bit tricky, so if you are working with younger children you might choose to do this step for them, or help them along the way.

Make a super easy egg carton mask

The first step to make your egg carton mask is to cut out a section of the egg carton that contains two complete egg holes, and two half egg holes so you get a complete spike between the two sets of holes as you can see in the image above.

Make a super easy egg carton mask

Now trim the edges of the section of egg carton until you have two complete egg holes and the spike.

Now you can see the mask taking shape with two eyes and a nose!

Make a super easy egg carton mask

The next part can be a bit tricky!

Poke a hole in the middle of each egg hole and when the hole is big enough, stick the scissors in and carefully cut out circular eye holes.

Make a super easy egg carton mask

Now you have your basic mask ready to go.

You can spend some extra time cutting eyelashes or ear shapes into the side of the egg carton, or even cutting different shaped eye holes. For your kids I suggest you leave all the extra details to the decorations.

Make a super easy egg carton mask

Now it is time to decorate your egg carton masks!

We painted our masks with fluro tempera paint blocks (similar to these ones), and the coloured turned out amazing!

Make a super easy egg carton mask

You could also decorate your masks with markers, stickers, or collage items.

Adding frilly paper eyebrows, or fuzzy pipe cleaner eye brows would be so much fun! Or how about some pig paper teeth, or a woolly moustache!

Make a super easy egg carton mask

Once you are finished decorating, simply tape or staple a length of string or elastic to each side if your mask, tie them on and you are ready to go!

Make a super easy egg carton mask

Is it just me or do these masks make us look a little creepy?? Cool… but creepy!

If you loved this fun egg carton craft, you might also like these easy art activities:


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    1. Oh, not creepy at all. Just cute and bird-like!

      I think these masks would be great for re-enacting Phoebe’s Fabulous Feathers by Rod Clement

      1. I keep thinking how cool they would be as bird masks with feathers! The teacher in me is seeing a bird dance or song for an end of year concert! LOL

        1. Thank you so much, I just got what I need for my year-end concert, my class will perform an item “bird expressions” and this will be perfect for the masks I have been looking for!

      1. ooh they would make great owl masks! I bet if my girls had been home that is what they would have made as they are nuts about owls!

    2. Now whenever I look at an egg carton I am going to visualise your awesome masks! Love the colours and how they turned out. Sharing this now.

      1. We don’t buy eggs (we have 14 laying hens) so I had to go ask a friend if she had any egg cartons so we could make these! LOL

    3. bahaha, too funny. Yes, a little creepy but still cute and hilarious all in one. We’ve made these as bird masks with lots of coloured feathers before with the preps and I think the feathers take the attention away from the beady little eye holes, lol. Those tempera paints turned out awesomely! Really bright and vibrant at the end even on brownish cardboard.

    4. Ahhhh! LOVE IT! Simple, fun, colourful, and cheap! When do you think my one-year-old will be old enough to hold a paint brush and not eat the paint?!?

    5. The creepiness is because it makes all your eyes look closer together than what they actually are. But creepy is good! Especially when it’s combined with cute! It’s fun to dress up a bit cute & creepy sometimes. :)

    6. I love this idea and that is uses egg cartons, which most people have at home. You made me laugh when you said they were a little creepy. I guess it suits a Halloween theme. LOL

    7. Love these and are doing them tomorrow with my daycare kids! Those pics with your little man and all his concentration are just gorgeous! Have to say though that you really make the mask in your photo…thanks for sharing Kate x

    8. I waited for few weeks, maybe a month, to have the same watercolours delivered from Australia to Germany. And it work. And we did the masks. And it was lovely! Thank you!! <3

        1. Yes! Any kind of paint will be fine… these water colours are just dry tempera discs so any tempera paint would work well. :)